Aircraft Noise Intrusion Assessment


The team at Michael Phillips Acoustics is suitably qualified to conduct aircraft noise intrusion acoustic reporting for Development Application (DA), Construction Certificate (CC), Occupation Certificate (OC).


This type of assessment requires desktop modelling and acoustic calculations. We don’t usually require a site visit for this work unless certification requires a site inspection or measurement for OC.

This process involves identifying the requirements of the project through inspecting any council imposed conditions and proposed plans in order to determine how best to achieve compliance with both Council Conditions and Private Certifiers.

You can be sure that your application will meet the specific requirements set out in your DA and where required, we'll advise you on the best measures to implement so that your project wont be held up, costing you time and money.

Call the experts at Michael Phillips Acoustics to determine how to proceed with your project's acoustic reporting requirements and start the process today!